Saturday, July 18, 2009

July 18th Paris

Nous voila a Paris pour quelques temps desormais.
We are in Paris for the next 4 months. Time to settled before coming back in the US for one week. We are enjoying the good food and the joy of the french social administration. 


July 11th, My little brother wedding

De retour en France, nous sommes a alles en Aquitaine, ou Thomas a epouse Maud.
Back in France to the Aquitaine region, my little brother Thomas married Maud. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Jul 8th Burj Dubai, the highest tower of the world

Dernier jour a Dubai avant departir pour Paris. La tour la plus haute du monde. Burj Dubai. Nous avons assiste au spectacle des jets d'eau, l'ensemble est magnifique. 
Last day in Dubai before heading to Paris. We saw the highest tower of the world, Burj Dubai. We saw also a really nice fountain show in the front of it. 

Monday, July 6, 2009

Jul 6th Dune drive

Sommes alle faire un tour dans le desert. Convoi de 35 4x4 au milieu des dunes, puis petit vraiment petit tour en chameau, puis diner a la bedouine et dance du ventre. 
Went for a dune drive, a very short camel ride. We had bedouin diner and belly dancing show.

jul 5th Dubai

Sommes arrive a Dubai, dernier stop de notre voyage autour du monde.
Nous sommes au Jumeray, juste derriere la voile. Temperature 38 degree C, visibilite 300m, l'air est charge de sable fin d'Iran.
We are in Dubai, last stop of our world tour.
We are at the Jumeray Beach Hotel, right behind the sail. temperature 100.4 degree F, visibility very short, the atmosphere is filled with sand from Iran.
our hotel
view from he beach


Friday, July 3, 2009

Jul 3rd The Great Boudha

Nous sommes alles voir un immense Boudha. l'expedition a commence par 30 minutes dans un telepherique, puis la montee de 262 marches. 
We went and see the great Boudha. we started by 30 minutes in a gondola then by walking 262 steps.

July 2nd Hommage a Mickael Jackson

Des qu'une image de M. Jackson apparait sur un ecran, la foule s'arrete pour regarder.
Everytime an image from M. Jackson appears on a screen, people stop to look at it.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

July 1st Hong Kong

Aujourd'hui, notre 1er jour a Hong Kong et jour du ralliement de  Hong Kong a la Chine continentale. Nous avons donc assiste a la parade. Puis nous sommes alles au Pic Victoria en tramway pour avoir une jolie vu de la baie. 
Today was our 1st day in Hong Kong and the holiday for the attachment of Hong Kong to mainland China. We saw the parade and then we went to the Victoria Peack with the tramway and got a lovely view of the bay.  

June 29 Last day in Bali

Dernier jour a bali. 
Last day in Bali.